Category: Art Photography

At Hotel Miss Clara in Stockholm.

This post is about the four images I have hanging at the beautiful Hotel Miss Clara in Stockholm. My images are a part of an exhibition arranged by my photography agency Wei.

I chose my four images together with my agency. Four images taken at four different places in the world.

In order of appearance:

1. A place to rest. Sunny chair outside of the kitchen door in a home in Crete, Greece.

2. The avocado tree. A avocado tree in the morning sun outside a curtain in a bedroom window in Los Angeles.

3. Melting winter. A landscape by the lake Mälaren in Sweden right when the snow is melting and the dry, beige grass is exposed after a long winter.

4. Glacier tourist. A tourist taking photos of the mountains and glacier on the tram above Chamonix, France.

These images have a limited edition of 10 in this size. There are also bigger sizes. The images are signed and numbered. The frame size is 30×40 cm, and made of the wood ash.

New photography art prints of fruits, vegetables and berries.

Gooseberries. Tomatoes. Cantaloupe melons, apricots, grapes, raspberries, zucchini, radishes, plums, a tomato, a carrot and a sweet potato.

I’ve been adding new still lifes of fruits, berries and vegetables to my print shop regularly since the summer. I shot most of them in August and September when there was an overload of beautiful tomatoes and other berries, fruits and vegetables. I really love making still lifes when I get a hold of produce with other shapes sizes and maybe colours than the usual. But as is possible to see in my images I also buy ordinary produce from the supermarket, most of them are really beautiful as well.

It took me a while to get the new images into the print shop. After shooting I work quiet a lot with my images in photoshop. It is like painting for me. I work with the colours, the light, I sometimes add layers. I work with the image until I have the feeling I want and the aesthetic I want. I make test prints to see what they look like on paper and then maybe some more adjustments. All this is a long process so it takes a while to get the prints into the shop. I want the images to take a long time.

I wanted to show you the new prints and let you know I now also have a shop on my own domain. The prints are also in my shop on Etsy. The images here are linked to my new shop.

Chioggia beets, a tomato, a cantaloupe melon, a plum, grapes, raspberries and an apple.
Cantaloupe melons, apricots, grapes, raspberries, zucchini, radishes, plums, a tomato, a carrot and a sweet potato.
Pink currants and raspberries.
Grapes, apricot, radishes, plums, raspberries and a tomato.
Tomatoes with purple wildflowers.
Grapes, raspberries, cantaloupe melons, a yellow and a green zucchini, pears, a mango, a green tomato, apples and a plum. Sweetcorn.
Pink and white currants.

Limited edition rainy Copenhagen flower print.

This rainy flower print is part of an exhibition at Hotell Skeppsholmen in Stockholm Sweden. For my commercial work I’m represented by Wei and this is an exhibition by all the creators att Wei. All the art will be there until September, so go see!

It is a limited edition print and comes in two different sizes. I can have it framed if it is shipped within Sweden.

The rainy print below is also a limited edition print. All information is in my printshop. Link here.

food still lifes in Chicago restaurant

A new restaurant, The Bellevue, opened in Chicago this spring and eleven of my fruit/berry/vegetable still-lives hang in this restaurant. I’m very proud to have so many of my images in this place. A place very far away from where I am, which is Sweden, so I have only yet seen photos of it. Here are all the images that were hand picked by the interior designer. They go so well together. I love seeing what other people do with my work, as long as they do something good of course but that is usually the case. Many of the images are printed in very big sizes which works with most of my work. I love that too! You can see some of them in these photos on the restaurants instagram here and also here.

If you would like to decorate your walls in the kitchen, maybe the dining room at home with food inspiration these images are all in my webshop.

rainy flower market photography art

The rainy days. A series of photographs taken at the flower market at Torvehallerne in Copenhagen. The flowers are seen through the see-through cover which is full of raindrops. This was not a planned, arranged photoshoot. I was lucky to have brought my good kamera when I saw the possibility of these images. And as I usually do I edit them in photoshop for the exact feeling I want. I tried them as light, pastel versions first but then realised I needed to go dark and with color on these images. And here they are, available in my print shop at Etsy. Link:

Limited edition, signed art photography giclée prints by Ulrika Ekblom Photography

I’ve decided to offer some of my images in limited editions only. These will be in one or two different sizes depending on the image. I will sign and number each print and if delivered within Sweden I can also have them framed.

First out is this series of three. They go well together but work also very well on their own, so no need to buy all three if you only want one or two. This print is giclée printed on Hahnemühle photo rag paper 308 g. It is an acid free cotton paper.

The images are taken in houses from the seventies with the feeling of traveling back in time. It is also the feeling of being in control of time. This is one of many possibilities with photography the idea of being able to hold on to time, not having to let it slip away like in real life. The images also have a depth to them. Seeing through rooms and doorways, wanting to know what is on the other side, but needing to leave that to the viewers imagination.

I am also very much drawn to the colors. In these images pink, brown and yellow. I have worked in the editing with the colors and the light to convey the exact feeling of timelessness.

The prints are in my Etsy shop for now. You can also contact me directly for them. Link to the shop:

Size of image 40 cm x 56 cm.

Size of paper it is printed on 50 cm x 70 cm.

Råsöt – bakbok med bakverk av Viktoriia Rumiantseva och styling/form av Josefin Tolstoy

English towards the end.

Den här boken har varit fanatiskt att göra. Alla bakverk Viktoriia skapat som är underbara allihop och så är dom så fotogeniska också. Sen har Josefin stylat på ett alldeles inspirerande vis. Det har varit ett utvecklade och kreativt samarbete med dessa två konstnärer. Sen har vi också haft turen att få jobba med förläggaren HannaPolaris. Så duktig och så peppande och positiv genom hela processen.

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fotografier på utställning i Vårdsätra i södra Uppsala

(In English further down)

Väldigt nära där jag bor finns en gammal smedja. Ett litet falurött hus intill Mälarens mest norra vik i Vårdsätra i södra Uppsala. Smedjan har två rum, i ett av rummen finns kiosken och i det andra rummet hänger just nu några av mina fotografier. Mina grannar som äger den gamla smedjan frågade mig om jag ville visa några av mina bilder i smedjan under sommaren. Det vill jag och nu sitter fyra bilder på de vackra, träfärgade, timrade väggarna att beskåda för alla som vill.

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Photo art at Hotel Skeppsholmen in Stockholm

This image is at the moment on display at Hotel Skeppsholmen in Stockholm. Hanging there together with other images made by other artists from my photography agency Söderberg agentur. I took this image in an empty house. A house in-between families. In the editing I have worked with the light and colours to get the feeling of in-between. The emptiness of something being gone but also the excitement for new happenings.