This time of the year when nature is soon to turn green everything is beige and brown. It is quiet beautiful and I wanted to make a series of images for my photo print shop in those same colors. I started by taking photos outdoors of the reed grass and the sallow tree and dried grass and dried flowers. Then I brought the dried beige and brown nature indoors, into my studio. I also took my collection of sea shells out of my closet and all the dried flowers from last summer. I shot most of the photographs against an old beige piece of newsprint paper for the right feeling. This newsprint paper has been with me for a very long time. I bought when I went to art school in Washington D.C. in the nineties for my drawing classes. So it has an old vintage touch to it and is probably not the same color as it it was when i bought it. But very good as a simple background for these photographs. To see all images go to my shop here. They are all digital and downloadable, but if someone would prefer an actual print shipped to them just tell me and I will do it.