Month: September 2020

Bougainvilleas on Crete, Magnolias in Paris, Wisteria on a street in Copenhagen as prints.

Orange bougainvillea photo print. Ulrika Ekblom Photography.
The orange bougainvillea photo print. I took the photo on a work trip to Crete, Greece.

These images are the ones of my images that are at the moment most popular on Pinterest. I use Pinterest so much, I get lots of inspiration for a lot of different things in my life both worklife and homelife. For work I make mood boards for specific projects like my photo prints or the cook books I make. It is very easy to share ideas when working together with other people. I’ve been collecting images for many years as well as sharing my own. Here are some of my own that are the most popular on Pinterest at the moment and all of them are also photography prints in my print shop. All images are linked to the print shop.

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Photos of Frida Ronges food for the book Hungerprojektet

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A third cookbook with Zeina’s Kitchen with food photography by me.

Zeina’s kitchen’s third cookbook and the third one for me with Zeina. This time the theme is weekday dinners. I recommend everything of course. Link to Zeina’s instagram here.

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Images for the cookbook of Swedish Vegansk Matlåda

I made this happy and tasty cookbook with the vegan sisters (twins) Emma and Amelia of Vegansk Matlåda. Their instagram is here! And these are some of the images I took for the book. It’s all about vegan lunchboxes to bring from home.

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