Category: Botanical (page 1 of 2)

Dandelion seeds and other seeds and prints.

(Scroll for Swedish)

If the seeds are picked carefully and protected from the weather and kept in an absolutely still box the seeds can keep their shape as a ball for very long. I don’t know how long they can still grow, but they are possible to photograph all through winter and probably even longer. Early in the summer (applies to southern part of Sweden) the dandelions bloom in large, happy yellow fields, a good time for the dandelion. After this the flower changes into a ball of seeds and it’s time to pick them to keep for the winter. Later in the summer they will be harder to find, even though one or two dandelions might bloom later. This past summer I also picked the beige coloured spotted cat’s ear and the bigger meadow salsify. Seed balls are so fragile, but actually full of growth and life. After I’ve photographed I give them back to nature.

These two images can be found in my art print shop.

Om fröbollarna plockas försiktigt, försiktigt och skyddas från vind och vatten och förvaras i en ask som hålls helt stilla så kan fröbollarna förbli bollar väldigt länge. Jag vet inte om fröna fortfarande kan gro, men de går att fotografera under hösten och vintern och säkert under ännu längre tid. Tidigt på sommaren blommar maskrosorna i vackra gula fält, en fin tid för maskrosen. Sen kommer fröbollarna och det är dags att plocka några för vinterförvaring. Senare på sommaren är det svårare att hitta, även om enstaka maskrosor blommar senare. I somras tog jag försiktigt in också slåtterfibbla (de små beiga) och ängshavrerot (den stora). Bollarna är så sköra, men egentligen väldigt kraftfulla med alla frön som väntar på att få gro. Efter fotograferingen ger jag tillbaka dom till naturen.

Nu finns två nya bilder av fröbollar i min printshop.

rainy flower market photography art

The rainy days. A series of photographs taken at the flower market at Torvehallerne in Copenhagen. The flowers are seen through the see-through cover which is full of raindrops. This was not a planned, arranged photoshoot. I was lucky to have brought my good kamera when I saw the possibility of these images. And as I usually do I edit them in photoshop for the exact feeling I want. I tried them as light, pastel versions first but then realised I needed to go dark and with color on these images. And here they are, available in my print shop at Etsy. Link:

photo journal no 18: conservatory and gardens

I’m on vacation from my job as a photographer, but still at home as many might be this summer. A couple of days ago I took a trip over the day with my family to a garden a little bit north of Uppsala (the town I live in in Sweden) to a small old town called Österbybruk. There they have an old conservatory with gardens surrounding it. So beautiful with the old buildings and flowers, herbs and vegetables. Very inspirational both for photography and gardening. Visit their website at

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photo journal no 17: the meadow allotment

On a rainy and quiet dark day around midsummer I revisited this allotment made into a meadow. So beautiful. I had happened to pass it a few days earlier on a sunny day but with no camera. Now the weather was changing to rainy and windy and I wanted to shoot some photos before the meadow lost it’s flowers in the wind and rain. It started raining just when I got there and I got som photos just in time. I love that the owner uses the whole of the allotment as a meadow with different flowers. Nothing else, not even a place to sit. But lovely with the blue and pink flowers. I will go back this summer to see if the owner is there and if the flowering changes during the summer. So hopefully to be continued…

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Photo Journal no 16: azaleas and rhododendrons

The Azaleas and rhododendrons in full bloom the other evening in a garden on the outskirts of Uppsala in Sweden. All the bright colors surrounded by a calmer green garden making the colors just beautiful.

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Photo journal no 13: winter by the lake

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Photojournal no 10: Allotments in a hidden valley

A hidden valley of allotments. Autumn is on its way. Continue reading

Photojournal no 9: Bougainvilleas of Crete

These are all new prints in my print shop. Different colourful, beautiful Bougainvilleas on the Greek island of Crete. Available in whatever size you’d like. Click here to visit shop.  Continue reading

photo journal no 8: copenhagen peonies

This is soon what you will find in the Botanical Garden i Copenhagen. I shot these on a visit last May and from today quiet a few of them are available as PRINTS in my print shop. Most of the images are of the Tree Peony. Bushes full of beautiful big flowers that come in different colors. Link to my print shop here and if you click on the shop sign to the right. Continue reading

photo journal no 7: in the cactus greenhouse

A late winter visit with a feeling of spring to the Cactus Greenhouse in the Uppsala Botanical Gardens, a part of Uppsala University. Located in a beautiful building built in the 18th century in the even older botanical gardens. Read more on their website about the garden and all the famous people that worked and studied here like Carl von Linné (Carl Linnaeus). Continue reading

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